1 终端模糊搜索fzf
输入某命令,比如 conda ,按下ctrl+R,会显示和该命令匹配的历史命令的列表
其搜索源来自于 vim ~/.zsh_history, 这个文件被fzf工具创建,其会记录所有terminal输入过的命令。
2 bash的***佳替代品 —— Oh-My-Zsh
3 GitHelper私货工具
import click import subprocess def run_git_command(*args): subprocess.run(['git', *args]) @click.group() @click.option('--helper', is_flag=True, help='Display help information') def git_helper(helper): if helper: click.echo('Usage:') click.echo( 'start --remote_branch=specific_remote_branch_name: ' 'Fetches the specified remote branch, then creates a local branch with this name based' ' on the fetched branch. If remote_branch is not specified, it defaults to master.') click.echo( 'sync --remote_branch=specific_remote_branch_name: Rebases the current local ' 'branch onto the specified remote branch. If not specified, defaults to rebase onto ' 'master.') return def fetch(remote_branch): run_git_command('fetch', 'origin', remote_branch) @git_helper.command() @click.argument('branch_name') @click.option('--remote_branch', default='master', help='Specify the remote branch, default is master') def start(branch_name, remote_branch): fetch(remote_branch) run_git_command('checkout', '-b', branch_name, f'origin/{remote_branch}') @git_helper.command() @click.option('--remote_branch', default='master', help='Specify the remote branch, default is master') def sync(remote_branch): fetch(remote_branch) run_git_command('rebase', f'origin/{remote_branch}') if __name__ == '__main__': git_helper()
#!/usr/bin/zsh alias git_helper="python /path/to/git_helper.py" alias g_sync="git_helper sync" alias g_start="git_helper start" alias g_delete='git branch -D' alias gst='git status' alias gsc='git add . && git commit' alias gc='git checkout' alias gb='git branch --list | cat'
source path/to/git_helper.sh
- 创建分支
# 将会以{REMOTE_BRANCH_NAME}为base,在本地创建一个名字为{YOUR_BRANCH_NAME}的与其相同的分支。如果不指定--remote_branch参数,将默认以远程master为base创建本地分支。 g_start YOUR_BRANCH_NAME --remote_branch REMOTE_BRANCH_NAME
- 同步分支Sync或者说rebase当前分支
# 将当前所在分支sync到指定的{REMOTE_BRANCH_NAME}分支上(本质是rebase),如果不指定默认sync到master分支 g_sync --remote_branch REMOTE_BRANCH_NAME
- 其他简单命令
g_delete YOUR_BRANCH_NAME # 删除指定分支(不能删除当前分支) gst # 相当于 git status gsc # 相当于 git add . && git commit gc YOUR_BRANCH_NAME # 切换到指定分支,相当于 git checkout gb # 列出当前所有分支
借助g_start, g_sync, gsc, gc 这四个命令即可覆盖99%的git日常使用。
- 其他简单命令
- 同步分支Sync或者说rebase当前分支