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1. 写标题 Title/Topic Sentence

Suggest 5 titles for the following abstract: [ABSTRACT PARAGRAPH]

Write a topic sentences for this paragraph: [PARAGRAPH]

  • 生成标题:提供一个摘要或主要研究内容,ChatGPT可以根据此生成多个标题选项,帮助捕捉论文的核心内容。
  • 写主题句:给出一个段落,ChatGPT可以帮助撰写一个清晰的主题句,为段落定调。
    2. 写摘要 Abstract

    Generate an abstract for a scientific paper based on this information for: [PARAGRAPHS]


    • 生成摘要:根据提供的研究背景和结果,ChatGPT可以帮助撰写摘要,概括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论。
      3. 写大纲 Outline

      Generate an outline for [TOPIC SENTENCE]

      I want to write a journal article about [TOPIC SENTENCE]. give me an outline for the article that I can use as a starting point.

      • 生成大纲:提供研究的主题或主题句,ChatGPT可以帮助生成详细的论文大纲,包括各部分标题和子标题。
        4. 写介绍 Introduction

        Come up with an introduction for the following research topic: [TOPIC SENTENCE]

        • 撰写引言:根据研究主题,ChatGPT可以帮助撰写引言部分,介绍研究的背景和重要性。
          5. 写文献阅读 Literature Review

          Conduct a literature review on [TOPIC SENTENCE] and provide review paper references

          Provide me with references and links to papers in [PARAPGRAPH]

          Summarize the scholarly literature including in text citations on [PARAGRAPHS]

          Write this in standart Harvard referencing [PARAGRAPH]

          • 文献综述:提供研究主题,ChatGPT可以协助进行文献搜索和综述,引用相关研究以建立理论基础。
            6. 写讨论 Discussion

            Discuss this results: [RESULT PARAGRAPHS]

            • 分析结果:将研究结果提供给ChatGPT,它可以帮助你讨论这些结果的意义、限制和可能的应用。
              7. 写未来工作部分 Future Works

              Can you suggest 3 directions for future research on this topic: [PARAGRAPH]]?

              • 未来研究方向:根据现有研究成果,ChatGPT可以提出未来研究的几个可能方向。

                三、润色指令 IMPROVING LANGUAGE

                Rewrite this paragraph in an academic langauge : [PARAGRAPH]

                Paraphrase the text using more academic and scientific language. Use a neutral tone and

                Correct the grammar : [PARAGRAPH]

                What do you think of how this parapraph is written?: [PARAGRAPH]

                What 3 points would you suggest to improve this paragraph?: [PARAGRAPH]

                Improve the style of my writing? [PARAGRAPHS]

                Improve the clarity and coherence of my writing [PARAGRAPHS]

                Improve the organization and structure of my paper [PARAGRAPHS]

                Provide feedback on this text and suggest areas for improvement [PARAGRAPHS]

                Can you improve this paragraph using passive voice: [PARAGRAPH]

                Can you improve this paragraph to make it more cohesive: [PARAGRAPH]

                Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write 

                Please write a few paragraphs using the following list of points [LIST]

                Give three variations of this sentence: [SENTENCE]

                Write a transition sentence to connect the following two paragraphs: [PARAGRAPH1] [PARA

                Provide effective transitions between paragraphs [PARAGRAPH1] [PARAGRAPH2]

                1. 语言优化
                • 学术语言重写:将普通语言段落提供给ChatGPT,它可以帮助转化为正式的学术语言。
                • 语法纠正:提供段落内容,ChatGPT可以检查并纠正语法错误,提高语言的准确性。
                • 增加连贯性:为了提高段落的流畅度和连贯性,ChatGPT可以帮助重组句子和逻辑顺序。
                • 风格与声调分析:ChatGPT可以分析段落的风格和声调,提供改进建议。
                  2. 结构优化
                  • 优化组织结构:根据整篇文章的内容,ChatGPT可以建议更合理的结构和章节安排。

                    四、总结 SUMMARIZATION

                    Summarize the following content: [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Summarize the text in simpler and easier-to-understand terms . [PARAGRAPHS]

                    Come up with a summary that is exactly [NUMBER OF WORDS] words: [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Reduce the following to [NUMBER OF WORDS] words: [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Shorten to [NUMBER OF CHARACTERS] characters: [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Give me a bullet point summary for [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Extract the important key points of this: [PARAPGRAPHS]

                    Summarize the text by extracting the most important information in the form of bullet

                    Explain this again but simpler: [PARAGRAPHS]

                    Explain this research to a 12 year old: [PARAGRAPHS]

                    Identify the key findings and implications of this: [PARAGRAPHS]

                    Remove throat-clearing sentence from this paragraph: [PARAGRAPH]

                    Frontload the argument in the following paragraph: [PARAGRAPH]

                    Explain [TOPIC] as an analogy

                    • 内容提炼:ChatGPT可以根据给定的长段落或文章,提炼关键信息,生成摘要或要点列表。





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